BOD Profile
President Director
Konosuke Mizuta
Japanese citizen, 58 years old, domiciled temporarily in Jakarta. In accordance with the resolution of the Annual GMS on 29 July 2022, he was reappointed as President Director for the 2022-2024 period. He obtained a Bachelor of Economics degree from Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo, Japan in 1990 and obtained a Master in Leadership & Strategy from London Business School Sloan, London, England, in 2011.
Has no affiliation relationship with other members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders.
Andi Harjono
Indonesian citizen, 54 years old, domiciled in Jakarta. In accordance with the resolution of the Annual GMS on 29 July 2022, he was reappointed as Director for the 2022-2024 period. Obtained a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering degree from Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia, in 1992 and a Master of International Management degree from Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona, United States in 1994. He is the Director in charge of Human Resources, General Affair and Information Technology.
Has no affiliation relationship with other members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders.
Ade Rafida Saulina S*
Indonesian citizen, 59 years old, domiciled in Tangerang. In accordance with the resolution of the Annual GMS on 29 July 2022, she was reappointed as Director for the 2022-2024 period. She obtained a Bachelor of Accounting degree from Nommensen University, Medan, Indonesia in 1987. She is the Director in charge of the Corporate Business Unit.
Has no affiliation relationship with other members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders.
*Based on the Company's Information Disclosure dated August 15, 2024, through letter No. 095/MLI/XXII/VIII/24 concerning Information Reports or Material Facts, the Company has received the resignation letter from her position as the Company’s Director. The resignation is effective on August 30, 2024, taking into account the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
With the receipt of the resignation application letter, in according to the provisions of the Company's Articles of Association and Regulation of the Financial Services Authority ("POJK") No. 33/POJK.04/2014 dated 8 December 2014 concerning the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies, the Company will hold a General Meeting of Shareholders to decide application for resignation.
Yudi Gustiawan
Indonesian citizen, 50 years old, residing in Tangerang. In accordance with the resolution of the Annual GMS on 29 July 2022, he was reappointed as Director for the 2022-2024 period. He obtained a Bachelor of Accounting degree from the INABA College of Economics, Bandung, Indonesia, in 1996; obtained a Bachelor of Statistics from Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia, in 1999; and obtained a Master degree in Management from Bina Nusantara Business School, Jakarta, Indonesia in 2015. He is the Director in charge of the Retail Business Unit.
Has no affiliation relationship with other members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders.
Shunsuke Kojima
Japanese citizen, 57 years old, residing domicilied in Jakarta. In accordance with the resolution of the Annual GMS on 29 July 2022, he was reappointed as Director for the 2022-2024 period. Obtained his Bachelor of Economics degree from Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1989. He is the Director in charge of the Accounting and Finance & Treasury functions.
Has no affiliation relationship with other members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders.